How to Trick or Treat Safely
You and your family can have a fun and spooky night of trick-or-treating if you keep a few general things in mind to stay safe, for instance:
- Walk — don’t run — from house to house using sidewalks when possible
- Be aware of and avoid open flames like candles in jack-o'-lanterns
- Avoid homemade treats and only eat factory-wrapped candy
- Remove your child’s makeup soon after trick-or-treating to avoid skin irritation
There are more ways to help make sure trick-or-treating is a worry-free evening. Our handy list of safety tips for Halloween is great to review before the big night out so everyone can focus on fun. Here’s what to keep in mind:
Follow the Rules of the Road
While the lure of a decorated house across the street can be tempting, it’s important to stay on track and cross only at corners or in crosswalks. Remind the kiddos to look both ways to check for traffic. And, if you’ll be behind the wheel, make sure to go beyond normaYou and your family can have a fun and spooky night of trick-or-treating if you keep a few general things in mind to stay safe, for instance:
Walk — don’t run — from house to house using sidewalks when possible
Be aware of and avoid open flames like candles in jack-o'-lanterns
Avoid homemade treats and only eat factory-wrapped candy
Remove your child’s makeup soon after trick-or-treating to avoid skin irritation
There are more ways to help make sure trick-or-treating is a worry-free evening. Our handy list of safety tips for Halloween is great to review before the big night out so everyone can focus on fun. Here’s what to keep in mind:
Follow the Rules of the Road
While the lure of a decorated house across the street can be tempting, it’s important to stay on track and cross only at corners or in crosswalks. Remind the kiddos to look both ways to check for traffic. And, if you’ll be behind the wheel, make sure to go beyond normal safe driving habits — it’s smart to be extra vigilant for everyone’s safety.
Go in Groups
Not only is traveling in a pack safer, but it’s also more fun! While you may want to keep your family together for health safety, if you do allow your children to stray from your pod, here are some guidelines to follow:
- Children under 12 should have an adult along to supervise.
- If a child is old enough to trick-or-treat without an adult, they should still go with a group of friends and stick to familiar houses and neighborhoods.
- If you have a group of older children heading out alone, consider turning on a mobile tracker app so you can follow their progress from home.
- If your kids are going out on their own, set up a timeline expectation. For instance, have the kids check in at specific times throughout the night and set a curfew.
Be Visible
Reflective tape should be used as much as possible on costumes, candy bags, strollers and wagons. Consider bringing glow sticks and flashlights as well. This tip is two-fold. You want to be visible to others, so they see you crossing the street or coming down the sidewalk, and you’ll appreciate the extra light when trying to maneuver up unfamiliar steps, sidewalks and streets. Win-win!
Ensure Your Child’s Costume Is Safe
In addition to adding reflective elements to costumes, check that they’re easy to walk in and don’t restrict breathing or vision.
If your child is going as a pirate, warrior princess or anything with a pointy accessory like a sword, make sure it isn’t a safety hazard. Choose accessories made of soft foam over hard plastic so if your trick-or-treaters get into a battle, they won’t be harmed.
When candy is involved, children are going to get excited. If you can’t find a costume that’s easy to move in, try trimming or altering it so they don’t trip and fall. It's also essential to ensure your child remains in your line of sight and doesn't run from house to house.
Make Healthy Food Choices Before and After
While children love piles of candy, their parents typically aren’t as thrilled. A great trick you can play on your little ones is having their favorite, healthy meal right before trick or treating so they’re less likely to pig out on candy. You can also opt to hand out non-candy items to the ghosts and goblins that come to your home. Little toys, trinkets, coloring books and other small, non-food treats still inspire excitement and there is less chance of empty-calorie leftovers tempting you.
Inspect the Treats You Receive
While food tampering is very rare, going through the goodie pile at the end of the night is important so your child doesn’t eat anything they shouldn’t. Remove homemade treats, candy your child may be allergic to and any other questionable sweets.
Go with Just Your Family
If you usually travel in a large group, consider trick-or-treating with just your family. And try to remain six feet apart from other groups.
Safely Give and Receive Candy
To avoid getting sick this fall, consider wearing a mask when interacting with trick-or-treaters. For extra protection, you can also use kitchen tongs when passing out candy.
Add a Mask to Your Child's Costume
For an added layer of protection for your child, try incorporating a mask into their costume, like a zombie doctor or nurse.
Halloween can be a ghoulishly good time, but being safe and health conscious during the festivities is important. Hopefully these trick-or-treating safety tips set you up for a spectacular, spooky holiday and memories that will last a lifetime.
At Peggys Kiddy Corral we believe in kids safety first for trick or treating. So, be safe and have fun..